Escape the Pike: Escape Room Games

(774) 241-0508

Escape the Pike- Team Building


Where fun and professional development meet!


We offer you fun, function, and value.


FUN: How many times have you attended professional development that you wish you could escape? At Escape the Pike, your co-workers and employees will want to escape our room instead of the experience.

When you want children to learn, you find a way to make a game out of it. Adults like to play, too. We can help you effectively turn a learning experience, where your employees acquire and practice skills, into something that is fun for them to do. The difference between something fun and something lackluster is engagement. Team building through the use of our escape rooms is sure to engage your team.

FUNCTION: We understand that professional development is an investment in your business and in your employees. You are interested in learning how to make your work environment more efficient and collaborative- and there are countless avenues that promise to do so. A lot of professional development programs deliver on instruction, but fall short in offering the opportunity to practice what is learned. At Escape the Pike, you can set goals and present instruction to your group prior to your game, practice through game play, and then review and assess where your group excelled and fell short in its goals after the experience.

VALUE: Our free resource guide contains insight regarding different aspects of team building and ways to assess them. We hope it will help you to make the most of your team building experience at Escape the Pike.

We offer additional discounts if you would like to book more than one room.

Please call us at (774) 241-0508 to book a team building experience.


We are aware of several local businesses that would be interested in catering your event. We would be happy to help you arrange for catering.

Escape the Pike- Teddy G
Escape the Pike- Whoopie Doo and Cupcakes, Too!
Escape the Pike- Just a Nibble
Escape the Pike- Publick House


Businesses we have hosted at
Escape the Pike include:

Escape the Pike- Whoopie Doo and Cupcakes, Too!
Escape the Pike- Cornerstone Bank


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Escape The Pike

179 Main St.

Sturbridge, MA 01566

(774) 241-0508